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Birds-Eye View

Birds-Eye View is a lesser known, but very quick and easy method of navigating around a zoomed in image. On high resolution images you may well be very zoomed in to check detail, or to edit small areas accurately. The birds-eye-view allows you to quickly move to another part of the image, while staying zoomed in.


The whole image.


When zoomed in, press and hold the H key, then also press and hold the left mouse button.


A box appears. Drag the box to a new part of the image.


Release the mouse button.

You will move to that part of the image, still zoomed in.

Repeat these steps to move to another part of the image.

Alternative Method

This is a good method to be aware of, especially when heavily zoomed in and wanting to move to a different part of the image.

However, if you are just moving to an area close by, perhaps working your way around the image, just hold the spacebar and the tool will temporarily convert to the Hand tool. Keep the spacebar pressed and click and drag to pan around the image.

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